On Writing & Marketing

Tips and insights to help you write better

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A Story About Differentiation in a B2B Tech Company

Stuck in the commodity trap? Read this story. It's a blueprint for marketers and business leaders who want to differentiate their organizations. Through a dialogue between a marketer and a business owner, you'll discover four differentiation strategies to help you rethink your approach and stand out.

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How to Become a Copywriter: A Step-by-Step Journey from Novice to Pro

You're at a coffee shop, laptop open, heart racing with both excitement and anxiety. You’ve decided to take the plunge into a career that promises creativity, financial rewards, and a chance to make an impact with your words. But now, the daunting question: how do you actually get there?

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A Brief Guide on How to Craft Messages That Convert

As Thomas Mann once said, "A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people." And I agree. Writing is difficult. So is copywriting. In this article, I’ll try to make copywriting as easy as possible.

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What Is Positioning in Marketing? 6 Positioning Strategies Used by Brands

When you talk about your company or products, what do you usually highlight? Do you focus on the outcomes your customers can expect, like increased sales? Or maybe you talk about the category you're in, like custom software development? Do you target a specific audience, like business owners? Or perhaps you emphasize the cost, like offering a premium service? If you haven't guessed already, in this article we're going to dive into positioning! So, let's get started!

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Hit the Roadmap: How to Build a Prioritized Content Plan That Drives Results

Are you a content strategist struggling to decide which content to prioritize? When you're trying to create a lot of content with limited resources, it can be hard to determine which pieces will drive the best results. But don't worry. In this blog post, I'll teach you how to identify the right content to focus on.

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Crafting a Killer Marketing Strategy by Starting at the Finish Line: A Guide on Reverse Engineering

The marketing world is full of talk about strategy. Whether it's a shiny new lead magnet or a fast-growing publishing platform, everything is a strategy. But I have news for you: it's not. Read this article to learn what a strategy is and how to develop it by working backward from your goal.

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It's been a year since February 24th 2022

A year ago my country was invaded by a terrorist state called russian federation. Today it's been a year since the war started. And it's still not over. This whole year felt like a long day. February 24th stretched on for 365 days. I will never forget this horror, fear, and hate. I will never forgive.

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Building Content Marketing Outcomes With Opportunity Solution Mapping

Struggling to make critical decisions in content marketing? In this blog post, I'll show you how to use an opportunity solution tree to map out your goals and plan the best ways to reach them. As an example, we'll use OST to define the course of action for growing site returning traffic – one of the most overlooked targets in content marketing.

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How to Solve Problems in Your Content Strategy Like a Top Management Consulting Firm

In content marketing, the last thing you want to do is waste your time producing content that doesn't bring any results. In this blog post, I'll show you how to apply McKinsey's problem-solving technique to explore the problems in your content strategy so that you can stop wasting time on stuff that doesn't work.

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How AI Is Going to Change Content Marketing: 5 Predictions

Artificial intelligence is already impacting the writing and content marketing industries. If you're wondering how AI will change writing, SEO, and business, this article is for you.

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Make High-Quality Content from Zero Knowledge Using ChatGPT

Hey, writer! Struggling to write an article? Let me show you how to use ChatGPT to get the job done.

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7 Things Content Writers Can Do With ChatGPT

On Friday, just before I was about to wrap up my workday and leave the office for the weekend, one of my clients sent me a message to Slack: "Have you seen the new ChatGPT? I wonder how it can be used in our SEO strategy…" I was like, "What's a ChatGPT?" (I'd never heard of it.) Read this article to learn what ChatGPT is and how you can use it to create content.

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How Emotions Can Amp Up the Persuasiveness Of Your Argument

If you needed to write an article that motivates people to quit smoking, would you focus on facts and statistics or include your personal story? The truth is, using facts to change someone's mind doesn't always work. Sometimes you need an emotional angle. Read this article to learn how to persuade using emotions.

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What Metrics Do In-House Content Writers Need to Track?

Do you find numbers intimidating? They're actually a lot more relatable than you may think! KPIs can help you measure your content writers' performance, but they also help you foster their morale and professional growth.

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What Aristotle Can Teach Us About Persuasive Communication

Persuasiveness is one of the main principles of quality content. It’s the superpower you need to turn the readers into leads. But how do you make a persuasive piece of writing? This problem was solved two thousand years ago by a Greek philosopher. Curious to learn how? Read this article to find out!

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3 Logical Fallacies That Make Good Arguments Look Bad

"It’s important to argue logically because logic is an essential part of argumentation." Is this sentence logically sound? Not really. Logic can go wrong in many ways. And sometimes we don't even realize that the point we’re making isn’t that strong. Read this article to learn common mistakes in reasoning and how to avoid building bad arguments.

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Why Copywriting Is a Dream Job

And NOW is the right time to take the jump!

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What Is an Argument in Writing? Anatomy of Logic and Argumentation

Whether you're writing about current fashion trends or why every company needs to develop cross-functional capabilities, every article exists to put across a certain point. In other words, a good piece of content always makes an argument.

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Content Distribution From A to Z: Owned, Earned, and Paid Channels

If a tree falls in a forest, and nobody is around to hear, does it make a clamor? Let me put it differently: if you publish an article on your website without telling anybody, will it get read? Read this blog post to discover how to build a content distribution strategy to not let your content end up like a tree in the forest.

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6 Types of Blog Articles to Explain, Persuade, and Inspire

When it comes to attracting leads to your business, there’s no substitute for content that teaches your audience something valuable. Read on to discover how you can share valuable knowledge through different types of content.

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What Is Content? Types and Channels

People are creatures of habit. When it comes to content creation, we usually stick to one type of content and ignore everything else. But the truth is, incorporating different kinds of content into your strategy can help you reach a wider audience and spread your brand across several channels. In this blog post, we'll talk about different types of content and how you can use them.

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How to Find New Content Ideas for Your Blog

Are you thinking about blogging and don't know what content to start with? Or have you been blogging for a while and feel stuck when trying to come up with new ideas? In this blog post, I'm going to get you unstuck.

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How to Pick a Blog Niche for 2022

Want to start a blog and maybe even grow it into a business? Great idea! But, what should you write about? In this blog post, I’ll help you zero in on the perfect niche for your new blog.

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How to Onboard New Writers So They Write High-Quality Content

Surface-level content, sloppiness, bad grammar, and missed deadlines. Why is it so hard to find a content writer that doesn't suck?

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Stand With Ukraine

Russia invaded Ukraine. I'm Ukrainian. I can't stand aside.

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6 Steps to Getting Your First Writing Gig as a Freelancer

Do you love writing and want to work from anywhere you like but can’t figure out how to get your first writing job? Let me tell you exactly how you can get started as a freelance content writer.

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What Copywriters Can Learn From David Ogilvy

They call him the "father of advertising," a marketing pioneer, and a creative genius. He's the author of Confessions of an Advertising Man and Ogilvy on Advertising. In this blog post, we'll talk about David Ogilvy, and what we can learn from his timeless marketing advice.

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8 Steps to Writing SEO-Optimized Content

Low-quality, keyword-stuffed, unreadable – no, this is not what SEO content should look like. Read on to discover how to write SEO-optimized content that works for both Google and people.

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How to Respond If Your Writing Got Ripped to Shreds

So your writing gets ripped to shreds. Discouraged, pissed off, humiliated, vulnerable, what's your reaction? A) Tell the editor she's wrong and punch her in the face. B) Rewrite it. In this blog post, we’ll talk about why criticism is actually a good thing and how to respond when your client doesn’t like your writing.

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What Is a Slogan? Wait…Tagline!…Whatever

Nothing is Impossible. The Best A Man Can Get. I’m Lovin’ It. Taste the Rainbow. Call it a slogan, call it a tagline. It doesn't matter what you call it, it's something that can revolutionize the appeal and image of a brand with just a few right words. 

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Content Writer (Copywriter) Job Description: How to Hire the Best Talent

Need to hire a great content writer but the job market is full of unqualified candidates? Let's figure out what your job ad should say so you could make better hires.

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How to Become a Content Writer

From food shoppers to entrepreneurs looking for business partners – the Internet is full of customers. Companies require content so these customers could find them. The good news is: as a writer, you have your work cut out for you. But how do you become a content writer without experience? Read in this blog post.

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How to Turn Your Blog Post Into a Story

Stories of well-known brands, Super Bowl commercials, works of fiction, plays, games, even paintings, and music—behind any good story is the same narrative structure that humans have been using since they became humans. Read on to learn how to apply the most popular story pattern to your content.

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What Is Cohesion in Writing and How to improve Your Writing Flow?

Every writer knows that proper writing flow makes a story feel connected and allows the reader to follow the thread of the argument. Yet creating a logical sequence is a trouble spot for many writers. Learn how to work on your writing flow to create a smooth experience for your readers.

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How to Write Customer-Centric Copy for Your Website

We try our best...We have highly qualified experts... We understand your business...We are small and flexible...We are global... And how many "We" do you have on your website? Read on to learn why self-centered copy ruins your marketing and how to write customer-centric copy that does the opposite.

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How to Update Old Content: 13-Step Checklist

There are two things that all bloggers and marketers want to increase: traffic and leads. And there is one tried and true method to do it: re-optimize your existing content. Read on to learn why updating content is a good idea and how to do it step by step.

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How to Write a Landing Page + Examples

Open a fresh Google Doc and flex those typing fingers. In this blog post, I'm going to break down how to write high-converting landing page content and show lots of examples to inspire you. Let's get started.

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There Are No New Ideas in Content. So How Do You Differ?

Very often, writers copy content written by their competitors. It's easier, faster, and safer. But if your content doesn't differ from other content, it won't get noticed. Here are a few ideas on how to stand out.

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Clarity in Writing: How to Make Your Words Digestible

Fancy-pants words, ambiguity, and complexity are the enemies of good copy. Clarity is one of the main principles of writing content that people will read. Learn how to make your copy clear and simple.

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What is a Style Guide in Content Marketing?

A style guide is what you need to create a consistent experience for your readers. The biggest brands like Salesforce, Mailchimp, Shopify, Microsoft use style guides to define rules for their marketing communications. Learn what a style guide includes and why you need it.

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Headline Writing: The Only Formula You'll Ever Need

Headline formulas don't work unless you understand why they work. Learn how to create a magnetic headline by asking 9 questions to your first working title.

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How to Write a Perfect Content Brief for Writers

A content brief is a set of instructions to guide a writer on how to draft a piece of content. I call this document a specification. So what makes a good specification or a content brief for writers? Discover in this blog post!

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How to Develop a Key Message for Your Blog Post

There is a big difference between content that simply accumulates information and content that's about something. A key message is a core idea that you want your audience to hear and remember. Let's learn how to develop it!

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8 Problem-Focused Copywriting Frameworks to Write Copy That Sells

People are more motivated by the threat of losing than they are by the prospect of winning. That’s why addressing people’s problems or fears works so well in marketing. Discover 8 problem-oriented copywriting formulas you can experiment with.

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5 Best Copywriting Formulas and Examples to Frame Your Message

Can’t come up with an effective message? Copywriting formulas might be the perfect solution! Check out my favorite copywriting formulas to use in article intros, social media captions, emails, landing pages, ads, and everywhere else you write online.

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Content Workflow for Marketing Teams

Does everyone on your content team know what steps are involved in content production and who’s responsible for what? Let's break down what a content writing workflow consists of!

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How to Apply Jobs To Be Done to Content Writing

Here is a question: Does your content help people do a job people are hiring it for? Right, people hire content as well as they hire doctors, plumbers, presidents, or software developers. Let's find out why they do it and how you can use it in content marketing.

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Writing With Statistics: Mistakes to Watch Out For

Statistics make your arguments more persuasive, but only if used correctly. Learn more about how to use numbers to give your arguments a firm foundation.

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How to Write Good Subheadings [Common Mistakes Writers Make]

Subheadings often get overlooked by writers. But they, in fact, are very important for readability. Read on to learn a few rules of writing good subheadings for your blog posts.

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What Is Readability and How to Make People Stay on Your Page Longer

The longer people stay on a page, the more likely they are to convert into customers. To increase time on page, you need to pay attention to content readability.

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Content Writer Interview Questions

What questions should you ask a content writer at a job interview to reveal their skills and experience? These are my top 10 content writer interview questions!

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Best Types of Blog Posts to Drive Traffic and Leads

In my experience working with B2B companies, there are five types of blog posts that generate the most traffic and are more likely to convert readers into leads.

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Understanding Search Intent for Content Writers

To write content that ranks well on search, you need to have a crystal clear understanding of what your readers want to see when they type in your target keyword in the search box.

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What Is Inclusive Writing: A Guide for Content Creators

Do you know for sure who exactly will be reading your content? You don't. Read on to learn how to write content that serves and resonates with as many people as possible.

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Call To Action Examples to Optimize Conversions on Your Blog

A lack of calls to action in blog posts is one of the reasons why readers don't continue their journey on your website and don't convert into leads. The good news is, it's easy to fix. Check out the best examples of calls to action to add to your blog.

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Voice of the Customer Research: Find Your Copy by Mining Customer Reviews

The best copy never comes from copywriting formulas and persuasion hacks. It comes from customers' own words. Learn how to find the words that your customers want to hear.

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How to Write a Powerful Conclusion Paragraph for Your Blog Post

A powerful concluding sentence should reinforce your key message and keep your readers wanting more. Explore five types of endings for your blog posts.

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How to Write an Intro Paragraph That Hooks: 6 Tried & True Strategies

The main reason why so many blog posts don't get read is that they have bad introductions. Getting straight to the point and sticking with it all the way through comes down to knowing your message. Read on to learn about a few strategies on how to start your blog posts.

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How to Write a Blog Post: From Outline to Final Draft

Before you write something, plan it. Figure out what you are going to write, and then write it. If your first draft looks like crap, then you didn't plan well enough.

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5 Types of Personalities in B2B and How to Write Content They'll Love

People fall into one of five decision-making categories: charismatics, thinkers, skeptics, followers, or controllers. Let’s take a closer look at these personalities to understand how you can adapt your writing style and message to your type of reader.

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What Is Copywriting? 15 Questions & Answers About Copywriting

Wonder what copywriting is? What do copywriters do? How do they get paid? How do you become a copywriter? Is it a good career? Get all the answers about copywriting in this article.

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What Does a Copywriter Do? And What Do They Get Paid For?

Copywriters don’t write content, don't write words to fill empty space in designs, and don’t just write. Obviously, they have nothing to do with copyright law. Copywriters write copy. But it’s not the whole story...

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B2B Buyer's Journey Explained

What do you think B2B buyers want? Thought leadership content? I'm afraid what they want is to buy. But marketers won’t help them do it. Learn how to apply Gartner's B2B buyer's journey to your content to let your buyers successfully arrive at a purchase.

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Content Cluster Strategy: How to Improve Your Blog's UX & Search Performance

Content clusters is a new strategy that puts topics over keywords. Check out what a content cluster consists of and find out how to turn your blog into a library.

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Copywriting Skills: What You Should Master to Succeed in Marketing

Great copywriters are rare. They know how to use their writing skills to make people do what they want. So what skills do you need to become a great copywriter?

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Content Strategy: How to Map Content to Each Stage of the Marketing Funnel

If you want to generate leads, your content needs to correspond to the right stage of the customer's journey. Learn how you can build your content strategy using 5 Stages of Awareness. I break down the whole process into 5 easy steps.

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Copywriter vs Content Writer vs Technical Writer vs Blogger vs UX Writer and More: Who to Hire?

What's the difference between copywriters and a whole bunch of other creative specialists that have something to do with writing and marketing? Time to figure it out!

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7 Skills a Content Writer Needs to Get Their Job Done

A list of skillsets that content writers need when applying for a job and growing their careers.

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How to Become a Copywriter: A Step-by-Step Journey from Novice to Pro

You're at a coffee shop, laptop open, heart racing with both excitement and anxiety. You’ve decided to take the plunge into a career that promises creativity, financial rewards, and a chance to make an impact with your words. But now, the daunting question: how do you actually get there?

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A Brief Guide on How to Craft Messages That Convert

As Thomas Mann once said, "A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people." And I agree. Writing is difficult. So is copywriting. In this article, I’ll try to make copywriting as easy as possible.

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How Emotions Can Amp Up the Persuasiveness Of Your Argument

If you needed to write an article that motivates people to quit smoking, would you focus on facts and statistics or include your personal story? The truth is, using facts to change someone's mind doesn't always work. Sometimes you need an emotional angle. Read this article to learn how to persuade using emotions.

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Why Copywriting Is a Dream Job

And NOW is the right time to take the jump!

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What Copywriters Can Learn From David Ogilvy

They call him the "father of advertising," a marketing pioneer, and a creative genius. He's the author of Confessions of an Advertising Man and Ogilvy on Advertising. In this blog post, we'll talk about David Ogilvy, and what we can learn from his timeless marketing advice.

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How to Respond If Your Writing Got Ripped to Shreds

So your writing gets ripped to shreds. Discouraged, pissed off, humiliated, vulnerable, what's your reaction? A) Tell the editor she's wrong and punch her in the face. B) Rewrite it. In this blog post, we’ll talk about why criticism is actually a good thing and how to respond when your client doesn’t like your writing.

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What Is a Slogan? Wait…Tagline!…Whatever

Nothing is Impossible. The Best A Man Can Get. I’m Lovin’ It. Taste the Rainbow. Call it a slogan, call it a tagline. It doesn't matter what you call it, it's something that can revolutionize the appeal and image of a brand with just a few right words. 

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How to Write Customer-Centric Copy for Your Website

We try our best...We have highly qualified experts... We understand your business...We are small and flexible...We are global... And how many "We" do you have on your website? Read on to learn why self-centered copy ruins your marketing and how to write customer-centric copy that does the opposite.

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How to Write a Landing Page + Examples

Open a fresh Google Doc and flex those typing fingers. In this blog post, I'm going to break down how to write high-converting landing page content and show lots of examples to inspire you. Let's get started.

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Clarity in Writing: How to Make Your Words Digestible

Fancy-pants words, ambiguity, and complexity are the enemies of good copy. Clarity is one of the main principles of writing content that people will read. Learn how to make your copy clear and simple.

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8 Problem-Focused Copywriting Frameworks to Write Copy That Sells

People are more motivated by the threat of losing than they are by the prospect of winning. That’s why addressing people’s problems or fears works so well in marketing. Discover 8 problem-oriented copywriting formulas you can experiment with.

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5 Best Copywriting Formulas and Examples to Frame Your Message

Can’t come up with an effective message? Copywriting formulas might be the perfect solution! Check out my favorite copywriting formulas to use in article intros, social media captions, emails, landing pages, ads, and everywhere else you write online.

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Voice of the Customer Research: Find Your Copy by Mining Customer Reviews

The best copy never comes from copywriting formulas and persuasion hacks. It comes from customers' own words. Learn how to find the words that your customers want to hear.

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What Is Copywriting? 15 Questions & Answers About Copywriting

Wonder what copywriting is? What do copywriters do? How do they get paid? How do you become a copywriter? Is it a good career? Get all the answers about copywriting in this article.

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What Metrics Do In-House Content Writers Need to Track?

Do you find numbers intimidating? They're actually a lot more relatable than you may think! KPIs can help you measure your content writers' performance, but they also help you foster their morale and professional growth.

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How to Onboard New Writers So They Write High-Quality Content

Surface-level content, sloppiness, bad grammar, and missed deadlines. Why is it so hard to find a content writer that doesn't suck?

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6 Steps to Getting Your First Writing Gig as a Freelancer

Do you love writing and want to work from anywhere you like but can’t figure out how to get your first writing job? Let me tell you exactly how you can get started as a freelance content writer.

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Content Writer (Copywriter) Job Description: How to Hire the Best Talent

Need to hire a great content writer but the job market is full of unqualified candidates? Let's figure out what your job ad should say so you could make better hires.

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How to Become a Content Writer

From food shoppers to entrepreneurs looking for business partners – the Internet is full of customers. Companies require content so these customers could find them. The good news is: as a writer, you have your work cut out for you. But how do you become a content writer without experience? Read in this blog post.

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Content Writer Interview Questions

What questions should you ask a content writer at a job interview to reveal their skills and experience? These are my top 10 content writer interview questions!

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What Does a Copywriter Do? And What Do They Get Paid For?

Copywriters don’t write content, don't write words to fill empty space in designs, and don’t just write. Obviously, they have nothing to do with copyright law. Copywriters write copy. But it’s not the whole story...

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Copywriting Skills: What You Should Master to Succeed in Marketing

Great copywriters are rare. They know how to use their writing skills to make people do what they want. So what skills do you need to become a great copywriter?

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Copywriter vs Content Writer vs Technical Writer vs Blogger vs UX Writer and More: Who to Hire?

What's the difference between copywriters and a whole bunch of other creative specialists that have something to do with writing and marketing? Time to figure it out!

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7 Skills a Content Writer Needs to Get Their Job Done

A list of skillsets that content writers need when applying for a job and growing their careers.

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Make High-Quality Content from Zero Knowledge Using ChatGPT

Hey, writer! Struggling to write an article? Let me show you how to use ChatGPT to get the job done.

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7 Things Content Writers Can Do With ChatGPT

On Friday, just before I was about to wrap up my workday and leave the office for the weekend, one of my clients sent me a message to Slack: "Have you seen the new ChatGPT? I wonder how it can be used in our SEO strategy…" I was like, "What's a ChatGPT?" (I'd never heard of it.) Read this article to learn what ChatGPT is and how you can use it to create content.

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What Aristotle Can Teach Us About Persuasive Communication

Persuasiveness is one of the main principles of quality content. It’s the superpower you need to turn the readers into leads. But how do you make a persuasive piece of writing? This problem was solved two thousand years ago by a Greek philosopher. Curious to learn how? Read this article to find out!

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3 Logical Fallacies That Make Good Arguments Look Bad

"It’s important to argue logically because logic is an essential part of argumentation." Is this sentence logically sound? Not really. Logic can go wrong in many ways. And sometimes we don't even realize that the point we’re making isn’t that strong. Read this article to learn common mistakes in reasoning and how to avoid building bad arguments.

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What Is an Argument in Writing? Anatomy of Logic and Argumentation

Whether you're writing about current fashion trends or why every company needs to develop cross-functional capabilities, every article exists to put across a certain point. In other words, a good piece of content always makes an argument.

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What Is Content? Types and Channels

People are creatures of habit. When it comes to content creation, we usually stick to one type of content and ignore everything else. But the truth is, incorporating different kinds of content into your strategy can help you reach a wider audience and spread your brand across several channels. In this blog post, we'll talk about different types of content and how you can use them.

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How to Pick a Blog Niche for 2022

Want to start a blog and maybe even grow it into a business? Great idea! But, what should you write about? In this blog post, I’ll help you zero in on the perfect niche for your new blog.

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8 Steps to Writing SEO-Optimized Content

Low-quality, keyword-stuffed, unreadable – no, this is not what SEO content should look like. Read on to discover how to write SEO-optimized content that works for both Google and people.

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How to Turn Your Blog Post Into a Story

Stories of well-known brands, Super Bowl commercials, works of fiction, plays, games, even paintings, and music—behind any good story is the same narrative structure that humans have been using since they became humans. Read on to learn how to apply the most popular story pattern to your content.

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What Is Cohesion in Writing and How to improve Your Writing Flow?

Every writer knows that proper writing flow makes a story feel connected and allows the reader to follow the thread of the argument. Yet creating a logical sequence is a trouble spot for many writers. Learn how to work on your writing flow to create a smooth experience for your readers.

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How to Update Old Content: 13-Step Checklist

There are two things that all bloggers and marketers want to increase: traffic and leads. And there is one tried and true method to do it: re-optimize your existing content. Read on to learn why updating content is a good idea and how to do it step by step.

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There Are No New Ideas in Content. So How Do You Differ?

Very often, writers copy content written by their competitors. It's easier, faster, and safer. But if your content doesn't differ from other content, it won't get noticed. Here are a few ideas on how to stand out.

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Headline Writing: The Only Formula You'll Ever Need

Headline formulas don't work unless you understand why they work. Learn how to create a magnetic headline by asking 9 questions to your first working title.

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How to Develop a Key Message for Your Blog Post

There is a big difference between content that simply accumulates information and content that's about something. A key message is a core idea that you want your audience to hear and remember. Let's learn how to develop it!

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Writing With Statistics: Mistakes to Watch Out For

Statistics make your arguments more persuasive, but only if used correctly. Learn more about how to use numbers to give your arguments a firm foundation.

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How to Write Good Subheadings [Common Mistakes Writers Make]

Subheadings often get overlooked by writers. But they, in fact, are very important for readability. Read on to learn a few rules of writing good subheadings for your blog posts.

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What Is Readability and How to Make People Stay on Your Page Longer

The longer people stay on a page, the more likely they are to convert into customers. To increase time on page, you need to pay attention to content readability.

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Best Types of Blog Posts to Drive Traffic and Leads

In my experience working with B2B companies, there are five types of blog posts that generate the most traffic and are more likely to convert readers into leads.

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Understanding Search Intent for Content Writers

To write content that ranks well on search, you need to have a crystal clear understanding of what your readers want to see when they type in your target keyword in the search box.

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What Is Inclusive Writing: A Guide for Content Creators

Do you know for sure who exactly will be reading your content? You don't. Read on to learn how to write content that serves and resonates with as many people as possible.

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Call To Action Examples to Optimize Conversions on Your Blog

A lack of calls to action in blog posts is one of the reasons why readers don't continue their journey on your website and don't convert into leads. The good news is, it's easy to fix. Check out the best examples of calls to action to add to your blog.

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How to Write a Powerful Conclusion Paragraph for Your Blog Post

A powerful concluding sentence should reinforce your key message and keep your readers wanting more. Explore five types of endings for your blog posts.

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How to Write an Intro Paragraph That Hooks: 6 Tried & True Strategies

The main reason why so many blog posts don't get read is that they have bad introductions. Getting straight to the point and sticking with it all the way through comes down to knowing your message. Read on to learn about a few strategies on how to start your blog posts.

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How to Write a Blog Post: From Outline to Final Draft

Before you write something, plan it. Figure out what you are going to write, and then write it. If your first draft looks like crap, then you didn't plan well enough.

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5 Types of Personalities in B2B and How to Write Content They'll Love

People fall into one of five decision-making categories: charismatics, thinkers, skeptics, followers, or controllers. Let’s take a closer look at these personalities to understand how you can adapt your writing style and message to your type of reader.

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A Story About Differentiation in a B2B Tech Company

Stuck in the commodity trap? Read this story. It's a blueprint for marketers and business leaders who want to differentiate their organizations. Through a dialogue between a marketer and a business owner, you'll discover four differentiation strategies to help you rethink your approach and stand out.

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What Is Positioning in Marketing? 6 Positioning Strategies Used by Brands

When you talk about your company or products, what do you usually highlight? Do you focus on the outcomes your customers can expect, like increased sales? Or maybe you talk about the category you're in, like custom software development? Do you target a specific audience, like business owners? Or perhaps you emphasize the cost, like offering a premium service? If you haven't guessed already, in this article we're going to dive into positioning! So, let's get started!

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Hit the Roadmap: How to Build a Prioritized Content Plan That Drives Results

Are you a content strategist struggling to decide which content to prioritize? When you're trying to create a lot of content with limited resources, it can be hard to determine which pieces will drive the best results. But don't worry. In this blog post, I'll teach you how to identify the right content to focus on.

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Crafting a Killer Marketing Strategy by Starting at the Finish Line: A Guide on Reverse Engineering

The marketing world is full of talk about strategy. Whether it's a shiny new lead magnet or a fast-growing publishing platform, everything is a strategy. But I have news for you: it's not. Read this article to learn what a strategy is and how to develop it by working backward from your goal.

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Building Content Marketing Outcomes With Opportunity Solution Mapping

Struggling to make critical decisions in content marketing? In this blog post, I'll show you how to use an opportunity solution tree to map out your goals and plan the best ways to reach them. As an example, we'll use OST to define the course of action for growing site returning traffic – one of the most overlooked targets in content marketing.

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How to Solve Problems in Your Content Strategy Like a Top Management Consulting Firm

In content marketing, the last thing you want to do is waste your time producing content that doesn't bring any results. In this blog post, I'll show you how to apply McKinsey's problem-solving technique to explore the problems in your content strategy so that you can stop wasting time on stuff that doesn't work.

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How AI Is Going to Change Content Marketing: 5 Predictions

Artificial intelligence is already impacting the writing and content marketing industries. If you're wondering how AI will change writing, SEO, and business, this article is for you.

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Content Distribution From A to Z: Owned, Earned, and Paid Channels

If a tree falls in a forest, and nobody is around to hear, does it make a clamor? Let me put it differently: if you publish an article on your website without telling anybody, will it get read? Read this blog post to discover how to build a content distribution strategy to not let your content end up like a tree in the forest.

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6 Types of Blog Articles to Explain, Persuade, and Inspire

When it comes to attracting leads to your business, there’s no substitute for content that teaches your audience something valuable. Read on to discover how you can share valuable knowledge through different types of content.

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How to Find New Content Ideas for Your Blog

Are you thinking about blogging and don't know what content to start with? Or have you been blogging for a while and feel stuck when trying to come up with new ideas? In this blog post, I'm going to get you unstuck.

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What is a Style Guide in Content Marketing?

A style guide is what you need to create a consistent experience for your readers. The biggest brands like Salesforce, Mailchimp, Shopify, Microsoft use style guides to define rules for their marketing communications. Learn what a style guide includes and why you need it.

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How to Write a Perfect Content Brief for Writers

A content brief is a set of instructions to guide a writer on how to draft a piece of content. I call this document a specification. So what makes a good specification or a content brief for writers? Discover in this blog post!

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Content Workflow for Marketing Teams

Does everyone on your content team know what steps are involved in content production and who’s responsible for what? Let's break down what a content writing workflow consists of!

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How to Apply Jobs To Be Done to Content Writing

Here is a question: Does your content help people do a job people are hiring it for? Right, people hire content as well as they hire doctors, plumbers, presidents, or software developers. Let's find out why they do it and how you can use it in content marketing.

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B2B Buyer's Journey Explained

What do you think B2B buyers want? Thought leadership content? I'm afraid what they want is to buy. But marketers won’t help them do it. Learn how to apply Gartner's B2B buyer's journey to your content to let your buyers successfully arrive at a purchase.

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Content Cluster Strategy: How to Improve Your Blog's UX & Search Performance

Content clusters is a new strategy that puts topics over keywords. Check out what a content cluster consists of and find out how to turn your blog into a library.

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Content Strategy: How to Map Content to Each Stage of the Marketing Funnel

If you want to generate leads, your content needs to correspond to the right stage of the customer's journey. Learn how you can build your content strategy using 5 Stages of Awareness. I break down the whole process into 5 easy steps.