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From Reads to Leads

Articles no one reads... Asked to write everything from blogs to Google Ads... Feeling a cog in the content machine... If you're thinking "oh sh*t, that's me!" then it's time to re-evaluate your career and figure out how to pivot into something high impact. This newsletter will tell you how.

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A Brief Guide on How to Craft Messages That Convert

As Thomas Mann once said, "A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people." And I agree. Writing is difficult. So is copywriting. In this article, I’ll try to make copywriting as easy as possible.


Copywriter vs Content Writer vs Technical Writer vs Blogger vs UX Writer and More: Who to Hire?

What's the difference between copywriters and a whole bunch of other creative specialists that have something to do with writing and marketing? Time to figure it out!