Content mapping template

Each piece of your content should connect to a stage of the reader’s journey. Content map is great way to visualize how this connection happens.
Creating a content map helps you understand:
  • How your content ideas fit in the marketing funnel
  • How your content helps readers get what they need at each stage of their journey
  • How you can guide readers through the customer journey
  • If there are any gaps in your content and how you can fill them
content mapping .pdf preview
If you don’t have this map yet, here is what you need to do:
  1. Collect links to all your existing content assets in one spreadsheet. 
  2. Review your existing assets and map them to relevant phases of the reader’s journey.
  3. Include CTAs in your existing content that move readers to the next stage of their journey.
  4. Make sure these CTAs are connected with your key messages.
  5. See if there are any gaps you can fill with new ideas.
Use my content map template here to organize and plan your content. It's built around the reader’s journey (using Schwartz’s stages of awareness).
You can copy it (or download in .pdf) and use it as a starting point for your own projects!
If you want to hear my feedback about your content map, post your answer here.
Copy my template to your Google Drive:
Content stage-mapping template

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